Saturday, May 21, 2011

Minnehaha Falls

I was running a route in South Minneapolis last week and noticed a couple of old schools that I wanted to shoot. I went back today to see if I could get a couple good shots. I went over the pics while drinking a glass of wine at a local wine bar and sadly, I wasn't all that pleased with anything I took. I was really hoping for some good black and white photos. Who knows, maybe I will like a couple of them after not seeing them for awhile. Anyway, I wasn't planning on going to Minnehaha Falls on my trip but I was too close to leave without a visit. I am very happy I decided to stop. I got a couple of photos that may rank up there with my favorites. I opened the shutter on this one to 1.3 seconds to get the "flowing" feeling with the falls here. F-stop was at f/18 with an ISO at 100. I may go to the falls more often to see if I can find more of these gems.  

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