Friday, May 27, 2011

Howe Elementary School

As I was delivering in South Minneapolis, I noticed this school. It is the Howe Elementary School on 37th St and 43rd Ave. It looked so empty and deserted. The first thing I noticed was this sign and the bushes that almost completely covered it.
f/4 - 1/125 sec - ISO 100 - 41mm
I liked this photo because of the shoe left in front of the door. I thought that it really captured the whole theme of desertion.
f/4.5 - 1/200 sec - ISO 100 - 60mm
As I was driving by, I could almost hear the children laughing, screaming and running around. I imagined a bell signalling the end of recess or the school day. The school may not be talking now but it's past will speak forever.
f/3.5 - 1/320/ sec - ISO 100 - 28mm

All photos taken with Canon EOS 50D body and EF 38-135mm 3.5-5.6 lens

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