Ahh, the Great Minnesota Get Together. 100,000 people pushing around, trying to get to the next food stand. It is food on a stick. Everything you can think of... on-a-stick. Pickles, on-a-stick. Shrimp, on-a-stick. Even Summit Beer, on-a-stick. It is ALL about food, food and then some more food.
Yep, more food. It seems there is a pronto pup stand on every single corner.
If you are able to pull yourself away from the hundreds of food stands, there are a couple of rides you can check out.
Yep, more food. It seems there is a pronto pup stand on every single corner.
If you are able to pull yourself away from the hundreds of food stands, there are a couple of rides you can check out.
And when you can't find the food you want or the ride you like, you sit down in the middle of the road and pout.
This one I don't understand. I kept asking my gal what makes grown people wear these ridiculous hats during the state fair. I mean, really!
Another beautiful hat. Its like Minnesotas version of the Kentucky Derby. Ridiculous. Yes, that is a walleye on his head.